Macbook 2015 charger not fitting into port pro#
If I opened my MacBook Pro with the HDMI connected, both monitors would come on and it would operate in dual display mode. I checked that the Samsung monitor is turned on, the cables are connected, and that my MacBook Pro in hibernate mode. The problem is that when I connect the Moshi adapter to my MacBook Pro and attempt to wake my computer by tapping a key on my Apple Wireless Keyboard, nothing happens. To connect the HDMI Cable to my MacBook Pro I am using the Moshi MiniDisplay Port to HDMI Adapter, which I also bought at. They are quality cables at a cheap price. The HDMI Cables that I have been using for home audio and my computer are the MediaBridge cables that carries. I have several HDMI cables ranging in quality. I use the external monitor as my only monitor. On my desk, I have my laptop on a Twelve South Bookarc stand and I keep it closed.

To be honest, I didn’t bother trying the VGA connection to test differences in quality. I was not about to connect my MBP through a VGA connection and loose valuable quality so I opted to connect through HDMI. My monitor is a 27″ Samsung S27A350H which offers an HDMI and VGA input.

However, in making this change to HDMI I encountered a few problems. The extra features an Apple Cinema Display offer are nice, but I can live without them. My eye (even with glasses on) can’t tell much of a difference between an Apple Cinema Display and a Samsung. Samsung Monitors are very high quality and a fraction of the price.

I have used Samsung Monitors for a few years now since selling my 30″ Apple Cinema Display before they were discontinued. I recently started using my Samsung Monitor through an HDMI connection rather than DVI.