Paul Lerner, Hysterical Men: War, Psychiatry, and the Politics of Trauma in Germany, 1890–1930 (Cornell University Press: Ithaca and London, 2003), p. Fear of the possibility of being shamed in the future was itself a cause of postwar anxiety, when the symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder might surface without warning – an alarming possibility in a society in which an "operative opposition lay between healthy masculinity and a pathological lack of male behaviour". Note that numerals in footnotes/endnotes are not in superscript.Įxample: In a war of unprecedented length and intensity, anxiety disorders became endemic, even among those who willingly served within range of the enemy’s weapons. That footnote starts with the same numeral. The reference information is then given in a footnote.

Right after the sentence in which the quotation is provided, a superscript numeral is placed. In the example below, the writer has quoted a passage.
#Footnote endnote citation form full
The first time a source is referred to, a full reference is given in the note. The numeral thus functions as a cue to the reader. When sources are cited, a numeral in superscript is placed after the sentence to direct the reader to a footnote/endnote, where the reference is provided.